I have blogged about a different part of the New Forest last year (click here for pics). And since I love coming to this place we decided to spend our another day date here.
It was a chilled day. Nothing was planned. We just drove there, parked the car and went for a walk. It was a day for it too. It was cool but sunny. The place was not busy, apart from a couple of bikers and a few other people the place was deserted. We just walked and talked and found that time was good to us coz it went slow. We felt that we were there for ages but whenever we check the time it was still too early to pick up Poj. We bought lunch and sat on one of the benches, we took our time and enjoyed the view as we eat.
One of the things that I love about New Forest are the animals that roam around freely. There are these horses that are so friendly they'll even let you pet them. I think this one wants to come home with us coz it followed us to our car!
When we finished, we went for a walk along the high street until we reached a lovely bench where we sat and watch people as they walk by.
There were a lot of lovely buildings and quirky shops that sell unique and interesting things. It's a shame that some of these shops forbid photography.
One of the shops that have a cute display was this sweets shop that sells all kinds of sweets that you can imagine! Have you had a marshmallow sandwich before? And you should what they have inside, naumay na ako sa dami at klase ng sweets! I didn't buy any, but they definitely brought back childhood memories =)
I love that you can now enjoy a cup of coffee or tea al fresco, now that the weather is getting warmer. Hooray for spring! =)
It was a lovely chilled out day. It was exactly what we needed to unwind. We didn't have to go very far but felt that we were isolated from the chaos of work and traffic.
Thanks Papa E =)