Saturday, 11 February 2012

Disneyland Paris Treat

  Yes, you read it right =)  Sky TV is treating their customers to 2 free tickets to join in the 2oth anniversary party of a lifetime! 

   All you need to do is log on to, click on the link to get your unique voucher code,  pick a date  ( between 1 April to 31 October 2012) and fill in the form. It couldn't be easier. And if there are more than two of you going, they'll even let you buy additional tickets with a whopping 25% discount! 

   We didn't really plan to go there this year but this treat is much to good to miss. So even though we've been there before we know that it'll be more fun this time coz we have Poj =) And it's perfect too coz Papa E is celebrating his birthday in April & we wanted to do something fun for the whole family. We've not decided yet if we want to tour Paris for the rest of our stay there or to buy more tickets and spend the rest of our break in Disneyland. 
But since it's his birthday, I'll leave him to make that decision =) 

#ilovefreebies =)

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