I noticed that I've not really blogged about Poj in a while. So how is our unico hijo?
He is very well. He had his prick test on the 31st January which confirmed that he has now outgrown his egg allergy, yay! He was really brave about the whole thing, and showed off his arm to everyone in our office, hehe.
He's also getting bigger, his vocabulary is getting better. He is becoming more and more confident each day. His nursery also told me that he has now been moved to the Pre-school room. Huhu, graduate na sa Toddler room ang baby ko!
He is also learning to tell the time, we were using the wall clock in our main room or his Thomas wall clock in his room, but we found him a reasonably priced toy clock which also teaches about different shapes. He loves it and it's great that he is learning a lot from his new toy.
He is also becoming more and more independent each day. He wants to help out with everything (he's my little helper, remember?) or do things himself. One example is during brushing time. He would always take the toothbrush from my hand and would want to do it himself. Most specially when we found this cute little toothbrush today. He loved the round handle where he could put his finger around the handle (though the packet says the unique handle is designed for parents). Sabi nya he likes his new toothbrush daw! lol =)
I was not inspired to blog tonight until after I walked in the bathroom and he said "Take a picture, Ina". Kaya eto, sayang naman ang smile na yan kung hindi mai-share, hehe =)